Activities - Church Calendar - Ministries
February 2025
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Regular Service TimesSunday
9:30 AM Sunday School Bible Study 10:45 AM Worship Service (Communion 1st Sunday) 5:00 PM Adult Study - Topical Studies - register using the classes option at the top of the main page and then this class Wednesday's 1st Wednesday - 8:30 AM & 4:00 PM- Food Bank & 5th All Wednesdays - 6:30 PM Adult Study Groups/ Women's Zoom class, Joyce Boubel at [email protected] to register 1st Saturday Monthly 8:30 AM Men's Bible & Bacon Breakfast (Fellowship Hall) Every Tuesday 10:00 AM Men's Prayer Time (Fellowship Hall) 1st Wednesday Monthly 8:00 AM Food Bank Box Prep., 4:00PM Food pickup Every Thursday 8:30 AM -4:30PM One Day Academy Home School Enrichment (On Break) 3rd Saturday Monthly 8:00 AM Disable American Veterans Meet (Fellowship Hall) Check Church Calendar for Monthly Activities/Events _________________________________________________ Space "A" - Are you in search of a venue for your event? Please forward your contact details, a concise event description, its date and time, and the total number of sessions required to [email protected]. You will be contacted promptly. Rolling Oaks Baptist Church aims to serve as a hub for the enrichment of our community and city.Space "A" - Looking for a location to host your event? Send your contact information, a brief description of your event, the date/time of the event, and the number of sessions for completion to [email protected]. You should be contacted shortly. Rolling Oaks Baptist Church desires to be a destination for betterment of our community and city. ________ Ministries ________Currently Featured at ROBC
ROBC offers a variety of opportunities. Below are some of these opportunities listed. Featured Study: Women's Zoom Study Led by Joyce Boubel Every Wednesday at 6:30 PM, Joyce Boubel hosts a free Bible lesson on Zoom for those unable to attend church. Women across the U.S. are welcome to join and delve into God's Word. For registration, please contact Joyce at [email protected]. Featured Study: Special Study led by Senior Pastor John Boubel: Join Pastor John Boubel in the ROBC Fellowship Hall for a topic study every Wednesday at 6:30 PM, featuring videos from Right Now Media. These studies typically span six sessions. The study will also be available on Zoom shortly. Featured Ministry: Men Breakfast & Bacon Bible Study We invite you to enjoy a complimentary breakfast and engage in Bible study and discussion every first Saturday of the month, beginning at 8:00 AM. Featured Meeting: Disabled American Veterans (DAV) The DAV meeting takes place in our Fellowship Hall on the third Saturday of every month at 8:00 AM. Following the meeting, a luncheon is offered, providing an excellent opportunity to meet the staff and members. Featured Ministry: San Antonio Food Bank Distribution Assist those in need by helping with the unloading of the Food Bank truck, organizing the food, preparing the food boxes, and loading them into the clients' vehicles. The unloading, organizing, and preparation begin at 8:30 AM, while the loading of food boxes into vehicles starts at 4:30 PM. ![]() The Gideons International
The Gideons International is an organization of Christian businessmen and professionals, along with their spouses, committed to spreading the word about Jesus by personal sharing and distributing Bibles and New Testaments. For more information about Gideon ministries, click on the Gideon emblem. |
![]() Disabled Veterans of America
Veterans from all branches of the military are invited to join us every third Saturday of the month, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM, in the Fellowship Hall. This group is open to both community members and existing members. Following the meetings, we welcome you to stay for an enjoyable lunch! ![]() 1st Saturday monthly at
8:00 AM Men's Bible & Breakfast Men and boys are invited to join us for a delightful breakfast and Bible study. It's a chance to meet new friends, learn about our church, and more. Enjoy this event at no cost. ![]() Women's Zoom Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM Ladies, if you're unable to attend church for Bible study, we have a solution! Connect with us through Zoom on your computer, smartphone, or any device that supports it. Simply request access, and we'll send you an invitation. Women from across the city and county are participating. Reach out to us via text or call at (210) 765-2335.Women, can't get to church for Bible study, here's your answer! Join us on your computer, smart phone, etc. that runs Zoom. Request access and we will send you an Invite! Women from around the city and the county are on. Contact us by text or voice at (210) 765-2335. ![]() 5th Wednesday
Church-wide Fellowship Meal Come join us each 5th Wednesday's for a great time of fun, food, and fellowship. Good food (free) and a way to meet our members and the community! ![]() Food Bank Distribution Ministry
This ministry is open to all church members and the community. It takes place on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Schedule 8:30-10:00 AM Unload Food Bank Truck and unpack food 4:00 - 6:30 PM Pack food boxes and distribute boxes to clients ![]() Want a Great Source for Christian Growth Materials? Utilizing Right Now Media, we can invite some of the nation's most esteemed authors, pastors, speakers, and teachers into our church through the internet. We offer incredible studies every Wednesday at 6:30 PM and Sunday at 4:00 PM. Topics and often the teachers change monthly. Additionally, we provide free access to Right Now Media, allowing you to participate from any location with internet access. Can't find what you are looking for! Contact us at the emails below.
Senior Pastor John Boubel - [email protected] Worship Leader Nathan Jones - Church Secretary Accounting CyDeana Lee - [email protected] Deacon Chair Brother Robert Valdez - [email protected] |